ASMPT Corporate
This applies to women and men alike: Together we are stronger in ASMPT.
Proud winners of the “Embrace Equity Pose” Award.

International Womens’
Day 2023

ASMPT has installed many very active Women’s Chapters around the world. Thus, for the 2023 International Women’s Day (IWD), the german chapter brought together over 50 of the female colleagues for a panel discussion with two external inspiring speakers from the tech sector. Both hold a leadership position – but their ways into that position could not be more different. By outlining their experiences as leaders in the technology industry they served as role models, allies, and coaches at the same time. Both speakers made it clear that obstacles and glass ceilings don’t necessarily mean stagnation but can offer opportunities for growth. Women serve as valuable role models, trailblazers, and can pave the way for others. This effect gets bigger when they are partnered by male allies and dense networks of people at different career levels. In China the Group’s HR department orchestrated the “Embrace Equity Pose” activity, emphasising the vital role and vast contributions of our female employees, featuring an award and further engaging the ASMPT team in fostering.

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