SCC Scope 2 Emission Working Group
Formed in April 2023, the SCC Scope 2 Emission Working Group (the “Working Group”) has the mission to create a collaborative roadmap and execute it, to reduce and eliminate its members’ scope 2 emissions as well as impact the entire semiconductor value chain, and increase access and availability of low-carbon energy (LCE). ASMPT led many rounds of intense consultation and collaboration with the Working Group members, which resulted in five initial priority actions being identified as key drivers to achieving the mission:
Five countries were also identified by the working group members as priority areas to focus our efforts on, due to their criticality within the supply chain and resulting emissions. These priority countries are: China, Taiwan, South Korea, Japan and Singapore. Going forward, the working group will work to increase access and availability of LCE via engagement with key stakeholders such as governments, policymakers, financiers, utilities providers and developers.