As a result, our customers are Industry 4.0 ready. They can compete effectively and profitably by easily adapting their operations to changes in demand, opportunity, or requirements, anywhere, at any time.
Making Industry 4.0 a Reality
Critical Manufacturing empowers high-performance operations worldwide with the most innovative and comprehensive MES.
Especially built for global companies manufacturing electronics, semiconductors, medical devices and industrial equipment, Critical Manufacturing MES is ready for a data driven future, gives clear insight and guidance on any desktop or mobile device, drives visibility of global production and lowers costs across your supply chain, and integrates seamlessly with enterprise systems and factory automation.
Critical Manufacturing MES is natively integrated across modules, for a complete management of shopfloor resources. The 40+ product capabilities provided by more than 30 modules are fully interoperable and offers the widest and deepest set of out-of-the-box functionalities, minimizing customization.
It includes an integrated data platform that enables higher-level analytics across your IT/OT landscape, and the system has container-based, modular architecture enabling your digitalization journey in both functionality and scale.
As a result, our customers are Industry 4.0 ready. They can compete effectively and profitably by easily adapting their operations to changes in demand, opportunity, or requirements, anywhere, at any time.